Emily and Serena's Winogradsky column of course! Snow White ain't got nothin' on this goodness. Just look
at those wicked layers. The sunlit side with the red and green obviously
love the sun because they definitely aren’t growing on the east facing side toward
the classroom. You’re not alone little microbes, we too rather be outside where
the sun is shining... But alas, we professional students essentially have taken
up residence in Tracy Hall... We presume the red layer is purple sulfur bacteria,
the green layer above that being green non-sulfur bacteria and possibly the murky
brown-orange(ish) color below the water is purple non-sulfur bacteria
(disregard the fact that it is not remotely close to any shade of purple). The green
stalks are still in there doing their thing—whatever that “thing” is.

The darkness column is still covered and doing swell we’re
sure. Mostly because what we can see from the top looks gnarly—so we know
whatever is deep in there has got to be pretty darn wicked. We can’t wait to
uncover it the first part of December (and the last week of the semester before
Over and Out.
-Emily and Serena